I know what you are thinking…I haven’t reviewed a movie in a long, long time, and when I finally decide to, I review Monsters University. I don’t feel like I have to defend my recent movie choices, but if I had to, I would say;

(a) It’s about monsters, so it is technically a horror movie,

(b) Nathan Fillion, the most chiseled jaw in Christendom, voices a central character,

(c) Baby Mike is the cutest thing I have ever seen,


Hear me out here…this movie is funny, cute, well written and colourful. I realize the ‘colourful’ thing is only really a deciding factor if you are under 18 months old, but it is really nice to look at. Sort of like Hugh Jackman, but more aimed at children.
Monsters University, strangely enough, follows the basic plot of any movie you have ever seen about a little nerdy guy starting his first guy of college. Except with less casual nudity and beer pong.

I’m not judging the kind of movie you may or may not have seen, I’m just saying, most of these movies are basically the same film.

Mike is small, not scary and smart, while Sulley is scary and kind of dim. Gosh, what a great team they would make, if only they could put aside their petty rivalry! The story-line is essentially that – our favourite little monsters start off as rivals, before assembling a rag tag group of squishy, adorable humanoids to win the Scare Games.

My favourite is the little pink fat guy.

My favourite is the little pink fat guy.

There. I avoided spoilers nicely.

Any Pixar fan worth their salt (is that a saying?) will also appreciate the ENORMOUS amount of Easter eggs and hidden references scattered all over this flick, as well as the ever present ‘Pixar short’ at the beginning of the film. This one is about umbrellas in love. Seriously. Nearly as good as the last one about the man who really liked paper airplanes and women.

I guess I’m not selling this tremendously, but it really, really is worth your time. The fact I’ve seen both The Wolverine and Monsters University in the past week and a half and vastly preferred this film to the actual comic book movie says an awful lot, don’t you think?

Word of advice, though. Don’t go on a Saturday afternoon, because, for some reason, the cinema will be full of children.
